Stone Resources
This website is about sharing educational information and knowledge on dimension stone subjects.
With over four decades of experience in sales, marketing, consulting and service to the stone industry; over 30 countries visited; over 300 quarries and factories inspected worldwide, Trade International, Inc. has amassed an ever-growing catalog of stone resources we are proud to share with you.
Marble in the World – Statistics, associations, fairs, and reviews
Info Tile – International stone library
Natural Stone Directory – Information on stone suppliers
A.S.T.M. – American Standards Testing Methods
Canadian Stone Association – Interesting source of information
IMM – Société publics per promozione del marmo, Italy
M.I.A. – Marble Institute of America
TTMAC – Tile Terrazzo Marble Contractors Association of Canada
United States and Canada
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
American Iron and Steel Institute (AIS)
American Society of Interior Designers (ASID)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
American Subcontractors Association
Barre Granite Association Monumental
Canadian Roofing Contractors Association
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
Ceramic Tile and Stone Association of Arizona
Indiana Limestone Institute of America (ILI)
Marble Institute of America (MIA)
National Building Granite Quarriers Association
National Kitchen and Bath Association
National Tile Contractors Association
National Roofing Contractors Association of Canada
Stonexpo Association Exhibition
United Kingdom
Trade Shows
Stone Information
Special Note: Many books are available on Amazon
Natural Stone A Guide to Selection: Studio Marmo by Frederick Bradley (available from
Fine Marble in Architecture by Frederick Bradley (available from
Architectural Stone: Fabrication, Installation, and Selection by Mark A. Chacon
Stone Sampler by Marco Campagna (Editor),
Stone: Designing Kitchens, Baths & Interiors With Natural Stone by Heather E. Adams (Author), Earl G. Adams
Natural Surfaces: Visual Research for Artists, Architects, and Designers by Judy A. Juracek
Ann Sacks Tile & Stone by Ann Sacks, Linda Leigh Paul (Contributor)
Stone Style by Michael Reis, Jennifer Adams
Stonework: Techniques and Projects by Charles McRaven, Elizabeth McHale (Editor)
Building With Stone by Charles McRaven, Chandis Ingenthron (Illustrator)
Building Stone Walls by John Vivian
The Art And Craft of Stonescaping: Setting & Stacking Stone by David Reed (Author)
The Stonebuilder’s Primer: A Step-By-Step Guide for Owner-Builders by Charles K. Long
Step-By-Step Outdoor Stonework: Over Twenty Easy-To-Build Projects for Your Patio and Garden by Mike Lawrence (Editor)
Stonework and Masonry Projects: New Projects in Stone, Brick & Concrete (Black & Decker Home Improvement Library) by Creative Publishing International, Black & Decker (Contributor)
Building Stone Walls by Charles McRaven
Carved in Granite by Alvin M. Poplack
The Forgotten Art of Building a Stone Wall: An Illustrated Guide to Dry Wall Construction by Curtis P. Fields
Conservation of Building and Decorative Stone by F G Dimes (Author), J. Ashurst (Author)
Stone: Stone Building Materials, Construction and Associated Component Systems: Their Decay and Treatment (English Heritage Research Transactions , Vol 2) by John Fidler (Editor), Jeanne Marie Teutonico (Editor) (Paperback – March 2002)
Annual Book of Astm Standards, 2003: Building Seals and Sealants; Fire Standards; Dimension Stone (Vol 04.07)
Modern Stone Cladding: Design and Installation of Exterior Dimension Stone Systems by Michael D. Lewis (Manual 21, PCN 28-021095-10, ISBN 08031-2061-3
Dimension Stone Cladding: Design, Construction, Evaluation, and Repair (Astm Special Technical Publication//Stp, 1394.) by Kurt Hoigard (Editor), et al (Paperback – December 2000)
Installation Of Ceramic And Stone Tiles, And Dimension Stone Countertops by National Kitchen & Bath Association (Paperback )
The 2000-2005 Outlook for Dimension Stone in the Middle East by Inc. Icon Group International (Editor) (Paperback – July 2001)
The 2000-2005 Outlook for Dimension Stone in Oceana by Inc. Icon Group International (Editor) (Paperback – July 2001)
The 2000-2005 Outlook for Dimension Stone in North America and the Caribbean by Inc. Icon Group International (Editor) (Paperback – July 2001)
The 2000-2005 Outlook for Dimension Stone in Asia by Inc. Icon Group International (Editor) (Paperback – July 2001)
The 2000-2005 Outlook for Dimension Stone in Africa by Inc. Icon Group International (Editor) (Paperback – July 2001)
The 2000-2005 Outlook for Dimension Stone in Europe by Inc. Icon Group International (Editor) (Paperback – July 2001)
The 2000-2005 Outlook for Dimension Stone in Latin America by Inc. Icon Group International (Editor) (Paperback – July 2001)
Directory of principal dimension stone producers in the United States in (SuDoc I 28.118/3:) by U.S. Dept of Interior
Dimension stone in (SuDoc I 28.118/3-2:) by U.S. Dept of Interior
The 2000-2005 World Outlook for Dimension Stone (Strategic Planning Series) by The Research Group, et al
British Columbia dimension stone by G. V. White
The Stone Carvers by Jane Urquhart (Hardcover – May 2002)
Building in Egypt: Pharaonic Stone Masonry by Dieter Arnold (Paperback – January 1997)
Masonry Wall Construction by A. W. Hendry, F. M. Khalaf (Paperback – November 2000)
The Maintenance of Brick and Stone Masonry Structures by A. M. Sowden (Hardcover – September 1990)
Conservation of Building Stones by Anuradha V. Kumar
English Stone Building by Alec Clifton-Taylor, et al
Other Editions: Hardcover – July 1983 Paperback
Colorado Yule marble : building stone of the Lincoln Memorial (SuDoc I 19.3:2162) by E. S. McGee
Stone in building : its use and potential today by John Ashurst
Images in Stone: A Guide to the Building Stones of Parliament House by Wolf Mayer
Durability Tests for Building Stone by K.D. Ross, R.N. Butlin
Contemporary Use of Stone in Buildings: A Bibliography by Mary Ellen Huls
Thomkins-Kiel Catalog
Marble Worker’s Manual, printed 1886
Census of the Marble of East Tennessee, printed 1876 (contains hand-tinted color plates)
Marbles and Stones (John J. Deery Co. Color plate catalog)
The Rock Book
Couleurs & Nuances (French stone color plates)
Limestones and Marbles, Their History and Uses; by S.M Burnham; S.E. Cassino & Co. 1883
The Stone Industries: by Oliver Bowles; McGraw-Hill Book Co.; 1934.
Marble Deposits of East Tennessee; Bulletin 28; Division of Geology, State of Tennessee; 1924.
Marble, A History of a Culture
Decorating With Marble, Stone & Granite; by Christine Parsons; Portland House
National Bureau of Standards publications relating to marble are listed below: Physical and Chemical Tests on the Commercial Marbles of the United States; Technologic Paper T123 (1919)
Wear Resistance of Natural Stone Flooring; Research Paper 612; (1933)
Stone Exposure Test Wall; Building Materials and Structures report BMS 125; (1951)
Decay and Preservation of Stone; edited by E.M.Winkler, 1978; 111 pages